Eyebrow Hair Transplant, Can I Get Hair Transplant Surgery for my Eyebrows?

As an excellent hair transplant procedure in the scalp can frame an old looking face, strong eyebrows can frame a view to make it more attractive and rejuvenated. Hair Transplant eyebrows began to arrive into vogue now that the techniques and improvements have continued to create more and better results that are perfectly natural and easy to maintain. In this article, we will explore some basic ideas hair transplant eyebrows, as the advantages, disadvantages and limitations eyebrow hair transplant.

Before surgical treatment can be done for eyebrows, it is important to understand what can cause hair loss in the region of the eyebrows that can inhibit or prevent transplant there. One of the most common reasons for the need for an eyebrow transplant is over plucking an eyebrow, especially a woman, her hair will grow back. Fortunately eyebrow hair transplant, this is one of the most favorable conditions eyebrow hair transplant, usually with excellent results. However, conditions such as alopecia Arcata, which is a type of hair loss based autoimmune condition is not good, since the hair graft survival is variable and the reactivation of the disease can lead to loss transplant grafts in time. Other conditions such as low thyroid levels may predispose to loss of hair on the outer third of the eyebrows and may be reversible with medical therapy alone eyebrow hair transplant. Therefore, if this trend is not observed, it may be wise to start with a laboratory balance.

Transplantation eyebrow hair is to take the best of a hair transplant from the back of the head, usually near the neck or temple eyebrow hair transplant, where are thinner, with a very small incision a few centimeters, and then dissect individual grafts for transplantation. Sites containing the new hairs are created in a manner that resembles a natural eyebrow. In general, eyebrow hair transplant the form of macro is such that there is a thicker club in the tapered portion near a gentle arc near the external nose temple. In the old days, the peak is near the lateral limbs, but today, maximum height front focuses a bit further away eyebrow hair transplant, somewhere between the lateral limbs and lateral acanthus.

Eyebrow hair transplant The front and then tapers a bit from there. For men, the eyebrows are thicker and with a narrow peak and less defined, although it still tapers outward. Eyebrow hairs themselves must be oriented to match natural eyebrow inward amateur club shaped in an arc eyebrow hair transplant, and then moves to the temple to resemble a fish tail shape or some s called cascading dominoes. These angles must be extremely flat to look natural. Using the crown sites of the blade is oriented parallel to the surface of the skin rather than perpendicular can help accomplish this task.

It takes about 5/16 months for the hair to grow as a result of normal hair transplant. However, the transplanted hair in the back of the head, generally grow faster than normal and necessary eyebrow cut every week to two weeks for optimal anesthetics eyebrow hair transplant. Sometimes, after one to two years, a condition known as the domain of the receptor that can occur in the skin of the eyebrow area influences the transplanted grafts to slow its growth to resemble the natural hair eyebrows. Although not a guarantee eyebrow hair transplant, is frequently observed.

Sometimes, a second hair transplant is necessary to obtain the best results, eyebrow hair transplant as the bristles may be higher after a session. It is not always necessary, however, that a prospective patient should be aware of this possibility. As in all things in life, choosing the right surgeon to perform an eyebrow hair transplant for you is to find someone with the knowledge of who is and who is not a good candidate for surgery and obviously, eyebrow hair transplant then a surgeon has the technical and artistic skills to create a natural anesthetic result and you.


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  2. Great post on hair loss..Hair loss is very common problem among men and women.Thinning hair and baldness affect your personality.Thanks for sharing such a great information.

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