Hair Transplant Scar, No Scar Automated Hair Restoration

Before the revision of a scar, it is important to take the patient's history and know exactly what hair transplant scar, if anything went wrong with previous surgeries. It is presumptuous to think that just because a patient has scars, the following procedure will do better. We must carefully consider surgical history and, if possible, hair transplant scar talk to the original surgeon to see if there are techniques that can be improved, or that presents problems that could be avoided in future proceedings.

Hair transplant scar Cause unacceptable scarring may be due to poor intrinsic healing for the patient, as the tendency to form deltoids. It can also be caused by a genetic predisposition to poor healing due to defective connective tissue, such as Elders - Anglos syndrome. Coagula induced genetic or drug or drugs that interfere with healing may also cause unacceptable scarring. Hair transplant scar In addition, scarring can be caused by complications such as postoperative infection or simply the patient does not follow postoperative instructions, such as smoking or strenuous exercise too soon after surgery.

As noted in the discussion above, the depleted donor supply is the main obstacle to a successful repair hair transplant scar. The inability to harvest additional hair is due to two main factors. The first factor is the physical limit defined by the combination of low density and low mobility donor scalp. When the donor density is low, a wide band should be collected to obtain a sufficient amount of hair transplant scar. A tight scalp, however, limits the size of the band can be removed. After several procedures, trying to raise extra hair is not worth the risk of a possible wider scar. Every hair transplant procedure simultaneously decreases donor density and scalp laxity, hair transplant scar but poorly executed surgery in a higher level and reduces the supply without making cosmetic improvements proportional to the recipient's scalp.

The second factor is the visibility of donor scars. Once the donor scars are in near vision, the ability to harvest additional hair is very limited, such as major surgery is surgery transplant patient apparent before. hair transplant scar An important point to take into account in assessing the amount of additional hair item is available, is that the donor scar coverage is more closely related to the amount of donor hair found that the degree of healing. Therefore, any process that removes hair with scar risk that the donor visible scar. The reason is that when the scar and the hair are removed, therefore, the closure is stretched and cut scalp hair density remaining. This can help cover other scars that have not been cut or lighten the appearance of the donor strip to an unacceptable degree hair transplant scar.

Techniques such as Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant scar, where follicular units are harvested directly from the donor area without linear excision can be useful when the scalp is too tight hair transplant scar. The usefulness of this technique is limited, however, as a major donor scars that remove hair without transaction difficult and an area of wallow density limits the amount of donor hair that can be removed without the area becoming too transparent. The most common kind of donor scar revision is split during round scars, band hair transplant sessions single routine after harvest hair transplant scar. This is easier to achieve when the old hair transplant scar is directly in line with the new proposed group. Although a relatively simple procedure, the following points should be noted in the scar split open funder.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard you can get a hair transplant, where a surgeon takes hair grafts from the back or sides of your head and sticks them to the crown.

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